
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter Rabbit tips

In winter there is more to deal with than just frozen drinking water.
It is important to give bunnies a draft free living area,
plenty of extra hay or straw bedding inside a nesting box for warmth on cold nights, give extra food too so they have energy to stay warm.

If you are planning on breeding your does in late fall or early winter make sure you have an inside cage for her to move into at least 7-10 days before kindling...if that isn't possible then you may want to put a heavy layer of hay or straw on cage floor, and put a brood lamp under the nestbox (at least 20+" away from hay lined floor...I use a 125 watt bulb in the fall for newborns, at least for first 3 weeks. I attatch the brood spot light to the inside of a plastic crate-then i put plexi glass over top of it to prevent shorting in case of mom's urine going through cage floor..

some breeders breed well into winter and take the nestbox in house right after being born. they take the nestbox out to the mom's cage and let her nurse them in the morning, then put the nestbox back in house, again they offer nestbox to mom in evening for another meal...

here in VT we can get -25'F for several days in a row and i prefer not to have bunnies under 4-5 weeks old during this time of winter. It seems to me i recall that young bunnies can not regulate their body temperatures till at least 3 weeks old.

check back for more on this topic...

to be continued...