
Saturday, July 4, 2009


It has rained almost daily for weeks now...
My weeds are growing like mad out in the garden...
I have replanted my veggies and flowers a few times...
once due to frost in JUNE!
the others due to too much rain mixed in with the organic fertilizer causing plants to rot!

A few nice litters of angora born... so cute!!!

I have been without power or phone for a few days this week due to all the rain. The lines were hit by lightning last monday, so no dsl online anything. withdrawl symptoms, call the paramedics PLEASE!

everything ok as of this am finally. (Please no more outages)!

grass is knee high, lawnmower wont go thru it without stalling since it is just too high.
maybe i should hire a farmer to hay it all!

well that's my deal for today...